schwäbisch schwätza
schwäbisch zom ahöra

Schwäbisch / Englischer Nonsens

Mit einer schwäbischen Webseite ist ja auch ein gewisser Bildungsauftrag verbunden und so möchte ich im folgenden für einige typische Redensarten die (nicht ganz ernst gemeinte) englische Übersetzung anbieten.

Treffer: 124  von 124 Einträgen
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Everything is in green area!


Everything is in butter!


An apple doesn't fall far from the tree!


Also other mothers have beautiful daughters!


Also a blind chicken can find a corn!


Out of the eyes, out of the sense!


Are you there safe?


Only over my corpse!


I have eaten him up!


He has beaten me over the ear!


He is heavy on wire!


That fits like the fist on the eye!


That doesn’t interest a pig!


That goes on no cow skin!


That goes me so what from on the bag!


This beat me out of the socks!


That have you so thought!


This is everything for the cat!


This is really first cream


This is not the yellow from the egg!


This is under all pig!


This is snow from yesterday.


This is the jumping point!


This is half so bad!


This is a mowed meadow for me!

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© 2025 | Peter-Michael Mangold